.. include:: ./../macros.txt
.. include:: ./../units.txt

.. _FOX_CLI:

``fox CLI``

The command line interface to interact with the repository is the ``fox CLI``.
``fox.py``, in the root of the repository, is the tool that implements the tool
to interact with the repository, to e.g., build the embedded binary or run

For details of the ``fox.py`` implementation see :ref:`FOX_PY` .

To simplify the usage of this Python module, three shell wrappers are provided
(also at the root of the repository):

- ``fox.bat`` for Command Prompt (``cmd.exe``)
- ``fox.ps1`` for PowerShell (``pwsh.exe``)
- ``fox.sh`` for Bash (``bash``)

To simplify and increase the readability of the documentation, the
documentation will use the PowerShell script in example code.
The notation for PowerShell is ``.\fox.ps1``.

- If you are using ``cmd.exe`` use ``fox.bat`` instead of ``.\fox.ps1``.
- If you are using ``bash`` use ``./fox.sh`` instead of ``.\fox.ps1``.