foxBMS  1.0.0
The foxBMS Battery Management System API Documentation

struct definition for plausibility values of a MIC More...

#include <mic_plausibility.h>

Data Fields

const int16_t maximumPlausibleVoltage_mV
const int16_t minimumPlausibleVoltage_mV

Detailed Description

struct definition for plausibility values of a MIC

This struct has to be implemented in a variable by each MIC and passed to MIC_PlausibilityCheckVoltageMeasurementRange().

Definition at line 67 of file mic_plausibility.h.

Field Documentation

◆ maximumPlausibleVoltage_mV

const int16_t MIC_PLAUSIBILITY_VALUES::maximumPlausibleVoltage_mV

largest cell voltage value that is considered plausible in mV

This value should be the maximum operating limit of the MIC.

Definition at line 72 of file mic_plausibility.h.

◆ minimumPlausibleVoltage_mV

const int16_t MIC_PLAUSIBILITY_VALUES::minimumPlausibleVoltage_mV

smallest cell voltage value that is considered plausible in mV

This value should be the minimum operating limit of the MIC.

Definition at line 77 of file mic_plausibility.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: