The foxBMS Unit Tests API Documentation
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59 #ifndef FOXBMS__FOXMATH_H_
60 #define FOXBMS__FOXMATH_H_
uint32_t MATH_swapBytes_uint32_t(uint32_t val)
Swap bytes of uint32_t value.
float MATH_linearInterpolation(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x_interpolate)
Linear inter-/extrapolates a third point according to two given points.
uint16_t MATH_swapBytes_uint16_t(uint16_t val)
Swap bytes of uint16_t value.
int64_t MATH_AbsInt64(int64_t value)
Returns the absolute value of passed int64_t value.
int32_t MATH_AbsInt32(int32_t value)
Returns the absolute value of passed int32_t value.
float MATH_minimumOfTwoFloats(float value1, float value2)
Returns the minimum of the passed float values.
uint64_t MATH_swapBytes_uint64_t(uint64_t val)
Swap bytes of uint64_t value.