.. include:: ./../../../../macros.txt .. include:: ./../../../../units.txt .. _CAN: CAN === Module Files ------------ Driver ^^^^^^ - ``src/app/driver/can/can.c`` (`API <../../../../_static/doxygen/src/html/can_8c.html>`__, `source <../../../../_static/doxygen/src/html/can_8c_source.html>`__) - ``src/app/driver/can/can.h`` (`API <../../../../_static/doxygen/src/html/can_8h.html>`__, `source <../../../../_static/doxygen/src/html/can_8h_source.html>`__) - ``src/app/driver/can/cbs/can_helper.c`` (`API <../../../../_static/doxygen/src/html/can__helper_8c.html>`__, `source <../../../../_static/doxygen/src/html/can__helper_8c_source.html>`__) - ``src/app/driver/can/cbs/can_helper.h`` (`API <../../../../_static/doxygen/src/html/can__helper_8h.html>`__, `source <../../../../_static/doxygen/src/html/can__helper_8h_source.html>`__) - ``src/app/driver/can/cbs/can_cbs.h`` (`API <../../../../_static/doxygen/src/html/can__cbs_8h.html>`__, `source <../../../../_static/doxygen/src/html/can__cbs_8h_source.html>`__) Configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``src/app/driver/config/can_cfg.c`` (`API <../../../../_static/doxygen/src/html/can__cfg_8c.html>`__, `source <../../../../_static/doxygen/src/html/can__cfg_8c_source.html>`__) - ``src/app/driver/config/can_cfg.h`` (`API <../../../../_static/doxygen/src/html/can__cfg_8h.html>`__, `source <../../../../_static/doxygen/src/html/can__cfg_8h_source.html>`__) Unit Test ^^^^^^^^^ - ``tests/unit/app/driver/can/test_can.c`` (`API <../../../../_static/doxygen/tests/html/test__can_8c.html>`__, `source <../../../../_static/doxygen/tests/html/test__can_8c_source.html>`__) - ``tests/unit/app/driver/config/test_can_cfg.c`` (`API <../../../../_static/doxygen/tests/html/test__can__cfg_8c.html>`__, `source <../../../../_static/doxygen/tests/html/test__can__cfg_8c_source.html>`__) Description ----------- In ``can_cfg.c``, CAN messages are defined in two tables: - ``can_txMessages[]`` for messages to be sent. - ``can_rxMessages[]`` for messages to be received. Messages to send ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The sent message parameters are: - CAN ID of message to be sent. - data length code, number of bytes to send. Default 8, maximum 8. - repetition time, period of transmission in ms. Must be a multiple of 10. - repetition phase, delay for the first transmission. Avoids sending all messages with same period at the same time. - byte order, endianness (big or little endian) of CAN data. - callback function, pointer to the function that is called when the message has to be sent. - multiplexer, pointer to a number. This is used to multiplex data in CAN messages. A static variable must be defined to be used as multiplexer. The data of the CAN message is divided into signals. Data for each signal is prepared within the callback function. The developer must implement the signals as needed by the application. Two helper functions are defined for this task, ``CAN_TxSetMessageDataWithSignalData()`` and ``CAN_TxSetCanDataWithMessageData()``. In the callback function, a ``uint64_t variable`` must be defined, which represents the CAN message. With the function ``CAN_TxSetMessageDataWithSignalData()``, the signal data can be stored in the message data. The parameters are - pointer to 64-bit CAN message. - bit position in CAN message where the signal data must be stored. - length of the signal data in the CAN message. - signal data. If data is e.g. a float, it must be cast to an integer before being passed to the function. - endianness (big or little endian) of CAN data. Once the CAN message is ready, the function ``CAN_TxSetCanDataWithMessageData()`` must be called. It will store the CAN message in the variable used by the low-level driver for the actual transmission. The function ``CAN_PeriodicTransmit()`` is called every 10ms by the 10ms task. It parses all the elements of ``can_txMessages[]``. If the time has been reached to send the messages, the corresponding callback function is called. The message is then sent with the function ``CAN_DataSend()``. The function ``CAN_DataSend()`` can also be used to send a CAN message directly anywhere else in the code. Messages to receive ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The received message parameters are: - CAN ID of message to be received. - data length code, number of bytes to receive. Default 8, maximum 8. - byte order, endianness (big or little endian) of CAN data. - callback function: pointer to the function that is called when the message is received. The data of the CAN message is available within this function. A receive queue called ``ftsk_canRxQueue`` is used as shown in :ref:`queue-can-receive-code-queue` and :ref:`queue-can-receive-code-vars`. .. literalinclude:: ./../../../../../src/app/task/ftask/ftask.c :language: C :linenos: :start-after: /* INCLUDE MARKER FOR THE DOCUMENTATION; DO NOT MOVE can-documentation-rx-queue-handle-start-include */ :end-before: /* INCLUDE MARKER FOR THE DOCUMENTATION; DO NOT MOVE can-documentation-rx-queue-handle-stop-include */ :caption: Queue handle for CAN receive :name: queue-can-receive-code-queue .. literalinclude:: ./../../../../../src/app/task/ftask/ftask.c :language: C :linenos: :start-after: /* INCLUDE MARKER FOR THE DOCUMENTATION; DO NOT MOVE can-documentation-rx-queue-vars-start-include */ :end-before: /* INCLUDE MARKER FOR THE DOCUMENTATION; DO NOT MOVE can-documentation-rx-queue-vars-stop-include */ :caption: Supporting variables for the queue of the CAN receive module :name: queue-can-receive-code-vars When CAN messages are received, the CAN interrupt callback calls ``CAN_RxInterrupt()``. The message received is sent to the queue. The function ``CAN_ReadRxBuffer()`` is called every 1ms by the 1ms task. For each element in the queue, it checks if the CAN message ID matches an ID of the RX message list ``can_rxMessages[]``. If this is the case, the corresponding callback function is called. In the callback function, a ``uint64_t variable`` must be defined, which represents the CAN message. The helper function ``CAN_RxGetMessageDataFromCanData()`` **MUST** be called at the beginning. It copies the CAN data retrieved by the low level driver into the message variable. If necessary, the other helper function ``CAN_RxGetSignalDataFromMessageData()`` can be used to retrieve signal data easily from the message. The parameters are - 64-bit CAN message. - bit position in CAN message where the signal data must be stored. - length of the signal data in the CAN message. - pointer to signal data. - endianness (big or little endian) of CAN data. The signal data is then available in the variable pointed to by the signal data pointer. A receive queue was used because usually the developer needs to access the database in the callback of the receive function, but this must not be done in an interrupt routine. With the current implementation, the receive interrupt routine sends the received data to the queue. The ``CAN_ReadRxBuffer()`` function retrieves the messages from the queue and calls the callbacks outside of the interrupt routine. Configuration in |halcogen| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 64 messages boxes are available for each CAN interface. 32 of them are configured as transmit message boxes, the other half as receive message boxes (with |halcogen|), so the macro ``CAN_NR_OF_TX_MESSAGE_BOX`` is set to 32. It must be adapted if the number of transmit message boxes is changed. When using the CAN interface ``CAN4``, special care has to be taken because of a bug in |halcogen|. For more information, refer to :ref:`HALCOGEN_TOOL_DOCUMENTATION`. Callback definition ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If a new file is needed for a new callback, it must be added in the directory ``./src/app/driver/can/cbs``. The corresponding header is the file ``can_cbs.h`` in the same directory. The new callback file must also be added to the ``wscript`` file in ``./src/app/driver``. For instance, if the file ``can_my_callback.c`` is added, the line .. code-block:: python os.path.join("can", "cbs", "can_my_callback.c"), must be added.