.. include:: ./../macros.txt .. include:: ./../units.txt .. _GETTING_STARTED_WITH_FOXBMS_2: ############################# Getting Started with foxBMS 2 ############################# ***************************** How to use this documentation ***************************** The complete |foxbms| documentation is available and maintained in HTML. Instructions on how to build it are found in :ref:`BUILDING_THE_APPLICATION`. .. note:: A search function is available under the |foxbms| logo in the HTML version of the documentation. *********** Definitions *********** In case they have not been read yet, important definitions and considerations about |foxbms| are described in :ref:`ABBREVIATIONS_AND_DEFINITIONS`, :ref:`NAMING_CONVENTIONS`, :ref:`THE_FOXBMS_2_PLATFORM` and :ref:`USE_CASE`. They must be read as they are used throughout the whole documentation. ********************* Software Installation ********************* The :ref:`SOFTWARE_INSTALLATION` part of the documentation explains how to install and configure the toolchain that is used for working on the embedded software. The :ref:`CREATING_A_WORKSPACE` guide explains how to setup a |code| workspace to browse the |foxbms| sources conveniently. Information about the software and how to build it is found in :ref:`SOFTWARE_DOCUMENTATION_OVERVIEW`. ***************************************** Where are the layout and schematic files? ***************************************** The layout and schematic are available online on GitHub. Refer to the section :ref:`DESIGN_RESOURCES`.