.. include:: ./../macros.txt .. include:: ./../units.txt .. _CONNECTORS: Connectors ========== This section summarizes the types of connectors used in |foxbms|. |tbc| .. Comment: This section should contain: Molex connectors, the extension connectors, additional pinheader, JTAG connectors (both cTI and Mictor) Convention for Connector Pin Numbering -------------------------------------- :numref:`molex-connector-numbering` presents the convention for the numbering of pins in Molex connectors. This type of connector is the main type of connector that is used for |foxbms|. The numbering style is used throughout this documentation. .. figure:: img/connector_viewing_direction.png :alt: Description of pin numbering in Molex connectors. :name: molex-connector-numbering :width: 100 % Supply connector pin out, receptacle - rear view, header - front view (image source: MOLEX) There are two types of connectors: * Header * Receptacle, plugged into the header The numbering shown on the left in :numref:`molex-connector-numbering` is always valid when viewing in the direction indicated by the arrow with the indication ``viewing direction``. This must be taken into account when crimping the receptacles.