.. include:: ./../../macros.txt .. include:: ./../../units.txt .. _WAF_TOOLS: Waf Tools ========= There are |foxbms| specific tools that do not come with waf by default. These tools are included in ``tools/waf-tools``. These tool are Python scripts. The words tool and scripts are used synonymously in the following. The function of each tool is described below. Waf Tools Implementation Documentation -------------------------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 ./ti-arm-compiler-tools ./f_axivion.rst ./f_black.rst ./f_bootstrap_library_project.rst ./f_check_db_vars.rst ./f_clang_format.rst ./f_cppcheck.rst ./f_git_hooks.rst ./f_guidelines.rst ./f_hcg.rst ./f_miniconda_env.rst ./f_ozone.rst ./f_lauterbach.rst ./f_j_flash.rst ./f_pylint.rst ./f_sphinx_build.rst ./f_unit_test.rst ./f_vscode.rst ./f_node_helper.rst