59 #include "HL_reg_het.h"
68 #define LED_PORT (hetREG1)
92 static uint32_t counter = 0u;
93 if (counter == UINT32_MAX) {
#define FAS_ASSERT(x)
Assertion macro that asserts that x is true.
Task configuration header.
void IO_PinSet(volatile uint32_t *pRegisterAddress, uint32_t pin)
Set pin by writing in pin output register.
void IO_PinReset(volatile uint32_t *pRegisterAddress, uint32_t pin)
Reset pin by writing in pin output register.
STD_PIN_STATE_e IO_PinGet(const volatile uint32_t *pRegisterAddress, uint32_t pin)
Get pin state.
Header for the driver for the IO module.
void LED_SetToggleTime(uint32_t onOffTime_ms)
Set debug LED with defined frequency.
uint32_t led_onOffTime_ms
void LED_SetDebugLED(void)
Turn debug LED on.
void LED_Trigger(void)
Trigger function to periodically toggle debug LED. Frequency can be set via function LED_SetToggleTim...
Header file of the debug LED driver.
void OS_ExitTaskCritical(void)
Exit Critical interface function for use in FreeRTOS-Tasks and FreeRTOS-ISR.
void OS_EnterTaskCritical(void)
Enter Critical interface function for use in FreeRTOS-Tasks and FreeRTOS-ISR.