#define FAS_ASSERT(x)
Assertion macro that asserts that x is true.
#define NULL_PTR
Null pointer.
void IO_SetPinDirectionToOutput(volatile uint32_t *pRegisterAddress, uint32_t pin)
Set pin to output by writing in pin direction register.
void IO_PinSet(volatile uint32_t *pRegisterAddress, uint32_t pin)
Set pin by writing in pin output register.
void IO_PinReset(volatile uint32_t *pRegisterAddress, uint32_t pin)
Reset pin by writing in pin output register.
Header for the driver for the IO module.
STD_RETURN_TYPE_e MXM_ReceiveData(uint16_t *txBuffer, uint16_t *rxBuffer, uint16_t length)
Send and Receive data over SPI.
const bool mxm_allowSkippingPostInitSelfCheck
void MXM_InitializeMonitoringPins(void)
Initialize the pins connected to the MAX17841B.
STD_RETURN_TYPE_e MXM_GetSPIStateReady(void)
Return whether SPI interface is ready.
void MXM_ShutDownBridgeIc(void)
Pulls the shutdown of the bridge IC low.
void MXM_EnableBridgeIc(void)
Pulls the shutdown of the bridge IC high.
STD_RETURN_TYPE_e MXM_SendData(uint16_t *txBuffer, uint16_t length)
Transmit data over SPI.
Header for the configuration for the Maxim monitoring chip.
#define MXM_17841B_GIOPORT
#define MXM_17841B_SHTNDL_PIN
void SPI_SetFunctional(spiBASE_t *pNode, enum spiPinSelect bit, bool hardwareControlled)
Sets the functional of a SPI pin.
STD_RETURN_TYPE_e SPI_CheckInterfaceAvailable(spiBASE_t *pNode)
Returns STD_OK if the SPI interface can be used again.
STD_RETURN_TYPE_e SPI_TransmitData(SPI_INTERFACE_CONFIG_s *pSpiInterface, uint16 *pTxBuff, uint32 frameLength)
Transmits data on SPI without DMA.
STD_RETURN_TYPE_e SPI_TransmitReceiveData(SPI_INTERFACE_CONFIG_s *pSpiInterface, uint16 *pTxBuff, uint16 *pRxBuff, uint32 frameLength)
Transmits and receives data on SPI without DMA.
Headers for the driver for the SPI module.