2. CAN Log Parser Tool
This tool helps to parse CAN logs generated by foxBMS 2.
2.1. Module Implementation Documentation
Display foxBMS CAN logs
- class log_parser.LogParserFrame(title, parent=None)
Main frame to construct the foxBMS logger frame
- append_plot_df(signal_timestamp, signal_val, signal_name, unit)
Append the signal values to the plot data frame
- basic_gui()
Creates the layout of the GUI
- cb_help(event)
Opens the the help
- cb_on_click_checked_box(event)
Sets the checked signals
- cb_on_click_sig_clear(event)
Clear signals
- cb_on_clicked_btn_dbc_src(event)
Sets the value from the chosen dbc file
- cb_on_clicked_btn_gen_trc(event)
tries to print the trace information (only if a valid file path is chosen)
- cb_on_clicked_btn_read_sig(event)
Reads the signals from the dbc file (only if a valid file path is chosen)
- cb_on_clicked_btn_trc_src(event)
Sets the value from the chosen trace file
- cb_on_search(event)
filter signals based on typed string in search box
- classmethod cb_open_documentation(event)
Shows the foxBMS documentation from local source if it exists, from web if it does not
- cb_quit(event)
Closes the application
- classmethod cb_show_info(event)
Shows the program information
- get_id_name(checked_signal)
Get the signal id and the signal name
- get_log_type()
check the file type and the header to find get the log type
- get_mux_id(id_signal, signal_name, mdb)
Get multiplexer ID of checked signal
- open_dialog(window_name, only_files)
Wrapper for the FileDialog class
- plot_selected_signals(units)
Plot the data of the selected signals from the read log file
- read_can_log()
Read data to selected signals from can file
- read_pcan_log_v1()
Read data to selected signals from PCAN log v1 file
- read_pcan_log_v2()
Read data to selected signals from PCAN log v2 file
- read_signals(path)
Reads the CAN signals from the DBC file
- log_parser.main()
Starts the application