STD_RETURN_TYPE_e AFE_RequestEepromRead(uint8_t string)
Makes the request to the AFE state machine to read from the external EEPROM on slaves.
STD_RETURN_TYPE_e AFE_RequestEepromWrite(uint8_t string)
Makes the request to the AFE state machine to write to the external EEPROM on slaves.
STD_RETURN_TYPE_e AFE_RequestIoRead(uint8_t string)
Makes the request to the AFE state machine to read from the IO port-expander.
STD_RETURN_TYPE_e AFE_TriggerIc(void)
STD_RETURN_TYPE_e AFE_RequestOpenWireCheck(uint8_t string)
Makes the request to the AFE state machine to perform open-wire check.
bool AFE_IsFirstMeasurementCycleFinished(void)
Checks if the first AFE measurement cycle was made.
STD_RETURN_TYPE_e AFE_RequestBalancingFeedbackRead(uint8_t string)
Makes the request to the AFE state machine to read balancing feedback from the slaves.
STD_RETURN_TYPE_e AFE_RequestTemperatureRead(uint8_t string)
Makes the request to the AFE state machine to read from the external temperature sensor on slaves.
STD_RETURN_TYPE_e AFE_RequestIoWrite(uint8_t string)
Makes the request to the AFE state machine to write to the IO port-expander.
STD_RETURN_TYPE_e AFE_Initialize(void)
STD_RETURN_TYPE_e AFE_StartMeasurement(void)
Makes the initialization request to the AFE state machine.
Configuration of the battery system (e.g., number of battery modules, battery cells,...
Number of parallel strings in the battery pack.
#define FAS_ASSERT(x)
Assertion macro that asserts that x is true.
STD_RETURN_TYPE_e MEAS_RequestTemperatureRead(uint8_t string)
Makes the request to the AFE state machine to read from the external temperature sensor on slaves.
STD_RETURN_TYPE_e MEAS_RequestOpenWireCheck(uint8_t string)
Makes the request to the AFE state machine to perform open-wire check.
void MEAS_Control(void)
Control function that is called from the task every 1ms.
STD_RETURN_TYPE_e MEAS_RequestIoRead(uint8_t string)
Makes the request to the AFE state machine to read from the IO port-expander.
STD_RETURN_TYPE_e MEAS_StartMeasurement(void)
Makes the initialization request to the AFE state machine.
STD_RETURN_TYPE_e MEAS_Initialize(void)
STD_RETURN_TYPE_e MEAS_RequestIoWrite(uint8_t string)
Makes the request to the AFE state machine to write to the IO port-expander.
STD_RETURN_TYPE_e MEAS_RequestEepromRead(uint8_t string)
Makes the request to the AFE state machine to read from the external EEPROM on slaves.
STD_RETURN_TYPE_e MEAS_RequestBalancingFeedbackRead(uint8_t string)
Makes the request to the AFE state machine to read balancing feedback from the slaves.
bool MEAS_IsFirstMeasurementCycleFinished(void)
Checks if the first AFE measurement cycle was made.
STD_RETURN_TYPE_e MEAS_RequestEepromWrite(uint8_t string)
Makes the request to the AFE state machine to write to the external EEPROM on slaves.
Headers for the driver for the measurements needed by the BMS (e.g., I,V,T).