Headers for the driver for the general DMA module of monitoring ICs.
Headers for the driver for the DMA module.
General macros and definitions for the whole platform.
Measurement IC driver wrapper layer for NXP ICs.
void N775_Meas(N775_STATE_s *n775_state)
trigger function for the N775 driver state machine.
N775_STATE_s n775_stateBase
bool N775_IsFirstMeasurementCycleFinished(N775_STATE_s *n775_state)
gets the measurement initialization status.
Headers for the driver for the MC33775A monitoring chip.
STD_RETURN_TYPE_e NXP_RequestOpenWireCheck(uint8_t string)
STD_RETURN_TYPE_e NXP_RequestEepromRead(uint8_t string)
bool NXP_IsFirstMeasurementCycleFinished(void)
STD_RETURN_TYPE_e NXP_StartMeasurement(void)
STD_RETURN_TYPE_e NXP_RequestIoWrite(uint8_t string)
STD_RETURN_TYPE_e NXP_Initialize(void)
STD_RETURN_TYPE_e NXP_RequestEepromWrite(uint8_t string)
STD_RETURN_TYPE_e NXP_RequestTemperatureRead(uint8_t string)
STD_RETURN_TYPE_e NXP_RequestBalancingFeedbackRead(uint8_t string)
STD_RETURN_TYPE_e NXP_RequestIoRead(uint8_t string)
STD_RETURN_TYPE_e NXP_Measure(void)
void OS_DelayTaskUntil(uint32_t *pPreviousWakeTime, uint32_t milliseconds)
Delay a task until a specified time.
uint32_t OS_GetTickCount(void)
Returns OS based system tick value.
void PEX_SetPin(uint8_t portExpander, uint8_t pin)
sets pin to high.
void PEX_SetPinDirectionOutput(uint8_t portExpander, uint8_t pin)
sets pin to input.
Header for the driver for the NXP PCA9539 port expander module.