The foxBMS Battery Management System API Documentation
#include <database_cfg.h>
data block struct of error flags
Definition at line 328 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::afeCellTemperatureInvalidError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS] |
false -> no error, true -> error
Definition at line 338 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::afeCellVoltageInvalidError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS] |
false -> no error, true -> error
Definition at line 337 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::afeCommunicationCrcError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS] |
false -> no error, true -> error
Definition at line 333 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::afeCommunicationSpiError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS] |
false -> no error, true -> error
Definition at line 335 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::afeConfigurationError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS] |
false -> no error, true -> error
Definition at line 336 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::afeSlaveMultiplexerError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS] |
false -> no error, true -> error
Definition at line 334 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::alertFlagSetError |
true: ALERT situation detected, false: everything okay
Definition at line 390 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::baseCellTemperatureMeasurementTimeoutError |
false -> no error, true -> error
Definition at line 341 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::baseCellVoltageMeasurementTimeoutError |
false -> no error, true -> error
Definition at line 339 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::canRxQueueFullError |
false -> no error, true -> error
Definition at line 356 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::coinCellLowVoltageError |
false -> no error, true -> error
Definition at line 357 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::contactorInNegativePathOfStringFeedbackError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS] |
false -> no error, true -> error
Definition at line 364 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::contactorInPositivePathOfStringFeedbackError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS] |
false -> no error, true -> error
Definition at line 365 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::criticalLowInsulationResistanceError |
false -> no critical resistance , true -> critical low resistance
Definition at line 369 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::currentMeasurementInvalidError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS] |
false -> no error, true -> error
Definition at line 344 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::currentMeasurementTimeoutError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS] |
false -> no error, true -> error
Definition at line 343 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::currentOnOpenStringDetectedError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS] |
false -> no error, true -> error
Definition at line 376 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::currentSensorCoulombCounterTimeoutError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS] |
false -> no error, true -> error
Definition at line 349 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::currentSensorEnergyCounterTimeoutError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS] |
false -> no error, true -> error
Definition at line 350 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::currentSensorNotRespondingError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS] |
false -> no error, true -> error
Definition at line 363 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::currentSensorPowerTimeoutError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS] |
false -> no error, true -> error
Definition at line 348 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::currentSensorVoltage1TimeoutError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS] |
false -> no error, true -> error
Definition at line 345 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::currentSensorVoltage2TimeoutError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS] |
false -> no error, true -> error
Definition at line 346 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::currentSensorVoltage3TimeoutError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS] |
false -> no error, true -> error
Definition at line 347 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::deepDischargeDetectedError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS] |
false -> no error, true -> error
Definition at line 375 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::framReadCrcError |
false if read CRC matches with CRC of read data, true otherwise
Definition at line 382 of file database_cfg.h.
Data block header
Definition at line 332 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::i2cRtcError |
problem in I2C communication with RTC
Definition at line 381 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::insulationGroundFaultDetectedError |
false -> no insulation fault between HV and chassis detected, true -> insulation fault detected
Definition at line 372 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::insulationMeasurementInvalidError |
false -> no error, true -> error
Definition at line 368 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::interlockOpenedError |
false -> no error, true -> error
Definition at line 367 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::mainFuseError |
false -> fuse ok, true -> fuse tripped
Definition at line 352 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::mcuDieTemperatureViolationError |
false -> no error, true -> error
Definition at line 377 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::mcuSbcFinError |
false -> no error, true -> error: short-circuit to RSTB
Definition at line 378 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::mcuSbcRstbError |
false -> no error, true -> error: RSTB not working
Definition at line 379 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::openWireDetectedError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS] |
false -> no error, true -> error
Definition at line 354 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::pexI2cCommunicationError |
the I2C port expander does not work as expected
Definition at line 380 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::plausibilityCheckCellTemperatureError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS] |
false -> no error, true -> error
Definition at line 361 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::plausibilityCheckCellTemperatureSpreadError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS] |
false -> no error, true -> error
Definition at line 362 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::plausibilityCheckCellVoltageError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS] |
false -> no error, true -> error
Definition at line 359 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::plausibilityCheckCellVoltageSpreadError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS] |
false -> no error, true -> error
Definition at line 360 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::plausibilityCheckPackVoltageError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS] |
false -> no error, true -> error
Definition at line 358 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::powerMeasurementInvalidError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS] |
false -> no error, true -> error
Definition at line 351 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::prechargeAbortedDueToCurrent[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS] |
false -> no error, true -> error
Definition at line 374 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::prechargeAbortedDueToVoltage[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS] |
false -> no error, true -> error
Definition at line 373 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::prechargeContactorFeedbackError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS] |
false -> no error, true -> error
Definition at line 366 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::redundancy0CellTemperatureMeasurementTimeoutError |
false -> no error, true -> error
Definition at line 342 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::redundancy0CellVoltageMeasurementTimeoutError |
false -> no error, true -> error
Definition at line 340 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::rtcBatteryLowError |
RTC battery voltage is low
Definition at line 384 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::rtcClockIntegrityError |
RTC time integrity not guaranteed, because oscillator has stopped
Definition at line 383 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::stateRequestTimingViolationError |
false -> no error, true -> error
Definition at line 355 of file database_cfg.h.
false -> fuse ok, true -> fuse tripped
Definition at line 353 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::task100msAlgoTimingViolationError |
timing violation in 100ms algorithm task
Definition at line 389 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::task100msTimingViolationError |
timing violation in 100ms task
Definition at line 388 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::task10msTimingViolationError |
timing violation in 10ms task
Definition at line 387 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::task1msTimingViolationError |
timing violation in 1ms task
Definition at line 386 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::taskEngineTimingViolationError |
timing violation in engine task
Definition at line 385 of file database_cfg.h.
bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::warnableLowInsulationResistanceError |
false -> no warnable resistance, true -> warnable low resistance
Definition at line 370 of file database_cfg.h.