foxBMS  1.5.0
The foxBMS Battery Management System API Documentation

#include <database_cfg.h>

Collaboration diagram for DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s:

Data Fields

bool afeCommunicationCrcError [BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]
bool afeSlaveMultiplexerError [BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]
bool afeCommunicationSpiError [BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]
bool afeConfigurationError [BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]
bool afeCellVoltageInvalidError [BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]
bool afeCellTemperatureInvalidError [BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]
bool baseCellVoltageMeasurementTimeoutError
bool redundancy0CellVoltageMeasurementTimeoutError
bool baseCellTemperatureMeasurementTimeoutError
bool redundancy0CellTemperatureMeasurementTimeoutError
bool currentMeasurementTimeoutError [BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]
bool currentMeasurementInvalidError [BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]
bool currentSensorVoltage1TimeoutError [BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]
bool currentSensorVoltage2TimeoutError [BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]
bool currentSensorVoltage3TimeoutError [BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]
bool currentSensorPowerTimeoutError [BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]
bool currentSensorCoulombCounterTimeoutError [BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]
bool currentSensorEnergyCounterTimeoutError [BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]
bool powerMeasurementInvalidError [BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]
bool mainFuseError
bool stringFuseError [BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]
bool openWireDetectedError [BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]
bool stateRequestTimingViolationError
bool canRxQueueFullError
bool coinCellLowVoltageError
bool plausibilityCheckPackVoltageError [BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]
bool plausibilityCheckCellVoltageError [BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]
bool plausibilityCheckCellVoltageSpreadError [BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]
bool plausibilityCheckCellTemperatureError [BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]
bool plausibilityCheckCellTemperatureSpreadError [BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]
bool currentSensorNotRespondingError [BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]
bool contactorInNegativePathOfStringFeedbackError [BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]
bool contactorInPositivePathOfStringFeedbackError [BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]
bool prechargeContactorFeedbackError [BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]
bool interlockOpenedError
bool insulationMeasurementInvalidError
bool criticalLowInsulationResistanceError
bool warnableLowInsulationResistanceError
bool insulationGroundFaultDetectedError
bool prechargeAbortedDueToVoltage [BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]
bool prechargeAbortedDueToCurrent [BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]
bool deepDischargeDetectedError [BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]
bool currentOnOpenStringDetectedError [BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]
bool mcuDieTemperatureViolationError
bool mcuSbcFinError
bool mcuSbcRstbError
bool pexI2cCommunicationError
bool i2cRtcError
bool framReadCrcError
bool rtcClockIntegrityError
bool rtcBatteryLowError
bool taskEngineTimingViolationError
bool task1msTimingViolationError
bool task10msTimingViolationError
bool task100msTimingViolationError
bool task100msAlgoTimingViolationError
bool alertFlagSetError

Detailed Description

data block struct of error flags

Definition at line 328 of file database_cfg.h.

Field Documentation

◆ afeCellTemperatureInvalidError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::afeCellTemperatureInvalidError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]

false -> no error, true -> error

Definition at line 338 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ afeCellVoltageInvalidError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::afeCellVoltageInvalidError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]

false -> no error, true -> error

Definition at line 337 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ afeCommunicationCrcError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::afeCommunicationCrcError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]

false -> no error, true -> error

Definition at line 333 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ afeCommunicationSpiError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::afeCommunicationSpiError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]

false -> no error, true -> error

Definition at line 335 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ afeConfigurationError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::afeConfigurationError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]

false -> no error, true -> error

Definition at line 336 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ afeSlaveMultiplexerError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::afeSlaveMultiplexerError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]

false -> no error, true -> error

Definition at line 334 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ alertFlagSetError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::alertFlagSetError

true: ALERT situation detected, false: everything okay

Definition at line 390 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ baseCellTemperatureMeasurementTimeoutError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::baseCellTemperatureMeasurementTimeoutError

false -> no error, true -> error

Definition at line 341 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ baseCellVoltageMeasurementTimeoutError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::baseCellVoltageMeasurementTimeoutError

false -> no error, true -> error

Definition at line 339 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ canRxQueueFullError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::canRxQueueFullError

false -> no error, true -> error

Definition at line 356 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ coinCellLowVoltageError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::coinCellLowVoltageError

false -> no error, true -> error

Definition at line 357 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ contactorInNegativePathOfStringFeedbackError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::contactorInNegativePathOfStringFeedbackError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]

false -> no error, true -> error

Definition at line 364 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ contactorInPositivePathOfStringFeedbackError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::contactorInPositivePathOfStringFeedbackError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]

false -> no error, true -> error

Definition at line 365 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ criticalLowInsulationResistanceError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::criticalLowInsulationResistanceError

false -> no critical resistance , true -> critical low resistance

Definition at line 369 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ currentMeasurementInvalidError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::currentMeasurementInvalidError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]

false -> no error, true -> error

Definition at line 344 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ currentMeasurementTimeoutError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::currentMeasurementTimeoutError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]

false -> no error, true -> error

Definition at line 343 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ currentOnOpenStringDetectedError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::currentOnOpenStringDetectedError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]

false -> no error, true -> error

Definition at line 376 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ currentSensorCoulombCounterTimeoutError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::currentSensorCoulombCounterTimeoutError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]

false -> no error, true -> error

Definition at line 349 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ currentSensorEnergyCounterTimeoutError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::currentSensorEnergyCounterTimeoutError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]

false -> no error, true -> error

Definition at line 350 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ currentSensorNotRespondingError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::currentSensorNotRespondingError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]

false -> no error, true -> error

Definition at line 363 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ currentSensorPowerTimeoutError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::currentSensorPowerTimeoutError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]

false -> no error, true -> error

Definition at line 348 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ currentSensorVoltage1TimeoutError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::currentSensorVoltage1TimeoutError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]

false -> no error, true -> error

Definition at line 345 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ currentSensorVoltage2TimeoutError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::currentSensorVoltage2TimeoutError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]

false -> no error, true -> error

Definition at line 346 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ currentSensorVoltage3TimeoutError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::currentSensorVoltage3TimeoutError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]

false -> no error, true -> error

Definition at line 347 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ deepDischargeDetectedError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::deepDischargeDetectedError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]

false -> no error, true -> error

Definition at line 375 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ framReadCrcError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::framReadCrcError

false if read CRC matches with CRC of read data, true otherwise

Definition at line 382 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ header


Data block header

Definition at line 332 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ i2cRtcError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::i2cRtcError

problem in I2C communication with RTC

Definition at line 381 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ insulationGroundFaultDetectedError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::insulationGroundFaultDetectedError

false -> no insulation fault between HV and chassis detected, true -> insulation fault detected

Definition at line 372 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ insulationMeasurementInvalidError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::insulationMeasurementInvalidError

false -> no error, true -> error

Definition at line 368 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ interlockOpenedError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::interlockOpenedError

false -> no error, true -> error

Definition at line 367 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ mainFuseError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::mainFuseError

false -> fuse ok, true -> fuse tripped

Definition at line 352 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ mcuDieTemperatureViolationError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::mcuDieTemperatureViolationError

false -> no error, true -> error

Definition at line 377 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ mcuSbcFinError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::mcuSbcFinError

false -> no error, true -> error: short-circuit to RSTB

Definition at line 378 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ mcuSbcRstbError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::mcuSbcRstbError

false -> no error, true -> error: RSTB not working

Definition at line 379 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ openWireDetectedError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::openWireDetectedError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]

false -> no error, true -> error

Definition at line 354 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ pexI2cCommunicationError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::pexI2cCommunicationError

the I2C port expander does not work as expected

Definition at line 380 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ plausibilityCheckCellTemperatureError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::plausibilityCheckCellTemperatureError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]

false -> no error, true -> error

Definition at line 361 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ plausibilityCheckCellTemperatureSpreadError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::plausibilityCheckCellTemperatureSpreadError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]

false -> no error, true -> error

Definition at line 362 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ plausibilityCheckCellVoltageError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::plausibilityCheckCellVoltageError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]

false -> no error, true -> error

Definition at line 359 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ plausibilityCheckCellVoltageSpreadError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::plausibilityCheckCellVoltageSpreadError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]

false -> no error, true -> error

Definition at line 360 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ plausibilityCheckPackVoltageError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::plausibilityCheckPackVoltageError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]

false -> no error, true -> error

Definition at line 358 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ powerMeasurementInvalidError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::powerMeasurementInvalidError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]

false -> no error, true -> error

Definition at line 351 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ prechargeAbortedDueToCurrent

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::prechargeAbortedDueToCurrent[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]

false -> no error, true -> error

Definition at line 374 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ prechargeAbortedDueToVoltage

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::prechargeAbortedDueToVoltage[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]

false -> no error, true -> error

Definition at line 373 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ prechargeContactorFeedbackError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::prechargeContactorFeedbackError[BS_NR_OF_STRINGS]

false -> no error, true -> error

Definition at line 366 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ redundancy0CellTemperatureMeasurementTimeoutError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::redundancy0CellTemperatureMeasurementTimeoutError

false -> no error, true -> error

Definition at line 342 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ redundancy0CellVoltageMeasurementTimeoutError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::redundancy0CellVoltageMeasurementTimeoutError

false -> no error, true -> error

Definition at line 340 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ rtcBatteryLowError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::rtcBatteryLowError

RTC battery voltage is low

Definition at line 384 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ rtcClockIntegrityError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::rtcClockIntegrityError

RTC time integrity not guaranteed, because oscillator has stopped

Definition at line 383 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ stateRequestTimingViolationError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::stateRequestTimingViolationError

false -> no error, true -> error

Definition at line 355 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ stringFuseError


false -> fuse ok, true -> fuse tripped

Definition at line 353 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ task100msAlgoTimingViolationError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::task100msAlgoTimingViolationError

timing violation in 100ms algorithm task

Definition at line 389 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ task100msTimingViolationError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::task100msTimingViolationError

timing violation in 100ms task

Definition at line 388 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ task10msTimingViolationError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::task10msTimingViolationError

timing violation in 10ms task

Definition at line 387 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ task1msTimingViolationError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::task1msTimingViolationError

timing violation in 1ms task

Definition at line 386 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ taskEngineTimingViolationError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::taskEngineTimingViolationError

timing violation in engine task

Definition at line 385 of file database_cfg.h.

◆ warnableLowInsulationResistanceError

bool DATA_BLOCK_ERROR_STATE_s::warnableLowInsulationResistanceError

false -> no warnable resistance, true -> warnable low resistance

Definition at line 370 of file database_cfg.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: