Sub Module lvac
A GUI to read the BMS values as well as control the BMS via CAN.
The module can be called standalone by python -m fgui.lvac
Implements an app to view the CAN messages that come from the BMS and send CAN messages to the BMS to control the BMS behavior.
- class fgui.lvac.lvac_frame.LiveViewAndControlMainFrame(parent=None, can_process: Union[None, fgui.workers.can_node_worker.CanAdapterProcess] = None)
Control frame of LVAC
- CloseFrameSafely(event: wx._core.Event)
Close the frame safely:
move the CAN process to idle state
tell the process, that this(!) app has been canceled
Destroy all generated sub frames
stop all threads that where used to update the GUI
- disable_controls()
Disable all control buttons
- enable_controls()
Enable all control buttons
- onLvacFocus(event: wx._core.Event)
Focus all LVAC frames and bring them to top
- select_mode_ca(event=None)
Sets the requested BMS mode
- select_mode_cb(event=None)
wrapper to retrieve the requested BMS mode bay an CallAfter function.
- set_send_data() Optional[list[can.message.Message]]
Returns CAN messages to be sent, composed with information obtained from the GUI.
- start_process()
Used to inform CAN process, that the App has started, and the process should no longer be paused.
- start_threads()
Start the GUI sync threads.
- stop_process()
Used to inform CAN process, that the App is paused.
- stop_thread()
Stop the GUI sync threads.
- thread_wrapper_cb(event=None)
Start/Stop the threads
- update_process_label(value: can.message.Message)
Calls some callbacks that update the respective GUI elements.
- worker_process_function(value)
wrapper to call the GUI update function as an CallAfter function.
Wrapper to retrieve several messages from the DBC file. This should help to keep most of the ‘message’-configuration out of the GUI implementation.
Table to display the cell temperatures
- class fgui.lvac.cell_temperatures.CellTemperatureFrame(title, parent=None, dbc: Optional[cantools.database.can.database.Database] = None, strings=1, modules=8, temps_per_module=4, pos=None)
Frame to display the cell temperatures in a table.
- Destroy()
Unbind normal destroy
- NewDestroy()
Destroys the frame
- update_cell_temperatures(value: can.message.Message)
Updates the table cell entries with the current temperature values
Table to display the cell voltages
- class fgui.lvac.cell_voltages.CellVoltageFrame(title, parent=None, dbc: Optional[cantools.database.can.database.Database] = None, strings=1, modules=8, cells_per_module=12, pos=None)
Frame to display the cell voltages in a table.
- Destroy()
Unbind normal destroy
- NewDestroy()
Destroys the frame
- update_cell_voltages(value: can.message.Message)
Updates the table cell entries with the current voltage values