120 if (initializationRequested ==
true) {
127 static uint32_t counter_ticks = 0u;
131 const bool runAlgorithmCycleElapsed =
133 if ((runAlgorithmAsap !=
false) || (runAlgorithmCycleElapsed !=
false)) {
170 #ifdef UNITY_UNIT_TEST
171 extern void TEST_ALGO_ResetInitializationRequest() {
void ALGO_UnlockInitialization(void)
Calling this function sets a signal that lets ALGO_Initialization() know that the initialization has ...
static void ALGO_Initialization(void)
initializes local variables and module internals needed to use the algorithm module
void ALGO_MainFunction(void)
handles the call of different algorithm functions when cycle time has expired
void ALGO_MonitorExecutionTime(void)
monitors the calculation duration of the different algorithms
static bool algo_initializationRequested
Headers for the driver for the storage in the EEPROM memory.
const uint16_t algo_length
ALGO_TASKS_s algo_algorithms[]
void ALGO_MarkAsDone(uint32_t algorithmIndex)
Mark the current algorithm as done (will reset to ALGO_READY if possible)
Assert macro implementation.
#define FAS_ASSERT(x)
Assertion macro that asserts that x is true.
#define NULL_PTR
Null pointer.
Declaration of the OS wrapper interface.
void OS_ExitTaskCritical(void)
Exit Critical interface function for use in FreeRTOS-Tasks and FreeRTOS-ISR.
void OS_EnterTaskCritical(void)
Enter Critical interface function for use in FreeRTOS-Tasks and FreeRTOS-ISR.
uint32_t OS_GetTickCount(void)
Returns OS based system tick value.