4.2. Balancing Module

4.2.1. Module Files Driver

  • src/app/application/bms/history/bal_strategy_history.c (API, source)

  • src/app/application/bms/history/bal_strategy_history.h (API, source)

  • src/app/application/bms/none/bal_strategy_none.c (API, source)

  • src/app/application/bms/none/bal_strategy_none.h (API, source)

  • src/app/application/bms/voltage/bal_strategy_voltage.c (API, source)

  • src/app/application/bms/voltage/bal_strategy_voltage.h (API, source)

  • src/app/application/bms/bal.c (API, source)

  • src/app/application/bms/bal.h (API, source) Configuration

  • src/app/application/config/bal_cfg.h (API, source) Unit Test

  • tests/unit/app/application/bal/history/test_bal_strategy_history.c (API, source)

  • tests/unit/app/application/bal/none/test_bal_strategy_none.c (API, source)

  • tests/unit/app/application/bal/voltage/test_bal_strategy_voltage.c (API, source)

  • tests/unit/app/application/bal/test_bal.c (API, source)

4.2.2. Detailed Description Voltage-based Balancing

In voltage-based balancing, the balancing module takes the minimum battery cell voltage of the complete battery pack and activates balancing for all the cells whose voltage is above the minimum + BAL_THRESHOLD_mV. Once all cells have been balanced, the threshold is set to BAL_THRESHOLD_mV + BAL_HYSTERESIS_mV to avoid an oscillating behavior between balancing and not balancing. History-based Balancing

The SOC history-based balancing works as follows: at one point in time, when no current is flowing and the cell voltages have fully relaxed (e.g., after 3 hours rest time), the voltages of all cells are measured. With a suitable SOC versus voltage look-up table, the voltages are converted to their respective SOC. These SOC are then translated to Depth-of-Discharge (DOD) using the nominal capacity, with:


The cell with the highest DOD is taken as a reference, since it is the most discharged cell in the battery pack. Its charge difference is set to 0. For all other cells, the charge difference is computed via:


where Cc is the considered cell and Cr is the reference cell.

Balancing is then switched on for all cells. Every second, for each cell, the voltage is taken and the balancing current Ibalancing computed by


where UC is the cell voltage and Rbalancing is the balancing resistance.

The balancing quantity Ibalancing×1s is subtracted from the charge difference. Balancing is stays turned on until the charge difference reaches 0.

In SOC history-based balancing, BS_BALANCING_RESISTANCE_ohm must be defined identically to the balancing resistances soldered on the Slave Board. When the imbalances are computed, they are set to a non-zero value to balance each specific cell only if its cell voltage is above the minimum cell voltage of the battery pack plus a threshold. The threshold is set in this case to BAL_THRESHOLD_mV + BAL_HYSTERESIS_mV.

The correspondence between cell voltage and SOC must be defined by the user depending on the specific battery cells used. Currently, it is done in the function SOC_GetFromVoltage() in sox.c. This function gets a voltage in V and return an SOC between 0.0 and 1.0. No Balancing

No balancing is performed on any cell.