90 #define TASK_10MS_COUNTER_FOR_50MS (5u)
93 #define TASK_100MS_COUNTER_FOR_1S (10u)
153 if (retval == E_NOT_OK) {
166 if (retval == E_NOT_OK) {
227 static uint8_t ftsk_cyclic10msCounter = 0;
244 ftsk_cyclic10msCounter = 0;
246 ftsk_cyclic10msCounter++;
251 static uint8_t ftsk_cyclic100msCounter = 0;
259 ftsk_cyclic100msCounter = 0;
266 ftsk_cyclic100msCounter++;
271 static uint8_t ftsk_cyclicAlgorithm100msCounter = 0;
275 ftsk_cyclicAlgorithm100msCounter++;
void ADC_Control(void)
controls ADC measurement sequence.
Headers for the driver for the ADC module.
void ALGO_MainFunction(void)
handles the call of different algorithm functions when cycle time has expired
void ALGO_MonitorExecutionTime(void)
monitors the calculation duration of the different algorithms
Headers for the driver for the storage in the EEPROM memory.
Header for the driver for balancing.
void BAL_Trigger(void)
trigger function for the BAL driver state machine.
void BMS_Trigger(void)
trigger function for the SYS driver state machine.
void CAN_MainFunction(void)
Calls the functions to drive the CAN interface. Makes the CAN timing checks and sends the periodic me...
void CAN_ReadRxBuffer(void)
Checks the data received per CAN. A receive buffer is used because CAN frames are received in an inte...
Header for the driver for the CAN module.
void DATA_Task(void)
trigger of database manager
STD_RETURN_TYPE_e DATA_Initialize(void)
Initialization of database manager.
void DIAG_UpdateFlags(void)
update function for diagnosis flags
Headers for the driver for the DMA module.
#define FAS_ASSERT(x)
Assertion macro that asserts that x is true.
#define FAS_TRAP
Define that evaluates to essential boolean false thus tripping an assert.
void FRAM_Initialize(void)
Initializes the addresses to be written in the FRAM.
Header for the driver for the FRAM module.
OS_TASK_DEFINITION_s ftsk_taskDefinitionAfe
Task configuration of the continuously running task for AFEs.
OS_TASK_DEFINITION_s ftsk_taskDefinitionCyclic100ms
Task configuration of the cyclic 100 ms task.
void FTSK_RunUserCodeAfe(void)
Continuously running task for AFEs.
void FTSK_InitializeUserCodeEngine(void)
Initializes the database.
void FTSK_RunUserCodeEngine(void)
Engine task for the database and the system monitoring module.
OS_TASK_DEFINITION_s ftsk_taskDefinitionEngine
Definition of the engine task.
OS_TASK_DEFINITION_s ftsk_taskDefinitionCyclic1ms
Task configuration of the cyclic 1 ms task.
void FTSK_RunUserCodeIdle(void)
Idle task.
OS_TASK_DEFINITION_s ftsk_taskDefinitionCyclicAlgorithm100ms
Task configuration of the cyclic 100 ms task for algorithms.
void FTSK_RunUserCodeCyclic100ms(void)
Cyclic 100 ms task.
void FTSK_InitializeUserCodePreCyclicTasks(void)
Initialization function before all tasks started.
void FTSK_RunUserCodeCyclic10ms(void)
Cyclic 10 ms task.
void FTSK_RunUserCodeCyclic1ms(void)
Cyclic 1 ms task.
OS_TASK_DEFINITION_s ftsk_taskDefinitionCyclic10ms
Task configuration of the cyclic 10 ms task.
void FTSK_RunUserCodeCyclicAlgorithm100ms(void)
Cyclic 100 ms task for algorithms.
Task configuration header.
Stack size of cyclic 1 ms task.
Priority of cyclic 10 ms task.
Stack size of engine task.
Priority of cyclic 1ms task.
Stack size of cyclic 100 ms task.
pvParameters of the 10ms task
Cycle time of 1ms task.
Stack size of continuously running task for AFEs.
Stack size of cyclic 10 ms task.
Cycle time of engine task.
Priority of cyclic 100 ms task for algorithms.
Cycle time of 100ms task for algorithms.
pvParameters of the 100ms task
Cycle time of 10 ms task.
TaskHandle_t ftsk_taskHandleAfe
Definition of task handles.
pvParameters of the 100ms task for algorithms
Phase of engine task.
Priority of cyclic 100 ms task.
Cycle time of continuously running task for AFEs.
Phase of continuously running task for AFEs.
pvParameters of the engine task
pvParameters of the 1ms task
Cycle time of 100ms task.
pvParameters of the continuously running task for AFEs
Phase of cyclic 100 ms task.
Phase of cyclic 100 ms task for algorithms.
Phase of cyclic 1ms task.
Stack size of cyclic 100 ms task for algorithms.
Priority of continuously running task for AFEs.
Phase of cyclic 10 ms task.
Phase of engine task.
void HTSEN_Trigger(void)
triggers a measurement of the I2C humidity/temperature sensor.
Header for the driver for the Sensirion SHT35-DIS I2C humidity/temperature sensor.
Header for the driver for the I2C module.
STD_RETURN_TYPE_e IMD_Trigger(void)
trigger function for the IMD driver state machine.
API header for the insulation monitoring device.
void ILCK_Trigger(void)
trigger function for the ILCK driver state machine.
Headers for the driver for the interlock.
void LED_SetToggleTime(uint32_t onOffTime_ms)
Set debug LED with defined frequency.
void LED_Trigger(void)
Trigger function to periodically toggle debug LED. Frequency can be set via function LED_SetToggleTim...
Header file of the debug LED driver.
void MEAS_Control(void)
Control function that is called from the task every 1ms.
STD_RETURN_TYPE_e MEAS_Initialize(void)
Headers for the driver for the measurements needed by the BMS (e.g., I,V,T).
void OS_IncrementTimer(void)
Increments the system timer os_timer.
void PEX_SetPin(uint8_t portExpander, uint8_t pin)
sets pin to high.
void PEX_SetPinDirectionOutput(uint8_t portExpander, uint8_t pin)
sets pin to input.
void PEX_Initialize(void)
initialize local variable containing state of port expander.
void PEX_Trigger(void)
implements reading/writing to the port expander registers.
Header for the driver for the NXP PCA9539 port expander module.
STD_RETURN_TYPE_e MRC_Initialize(void)
Function to initalize redundancy module.
STD_RETURN_TYPE_e MRC_ValidateAfeMeasurement(void)
Function to validate the measurement between redundant measurement values for cell voltage and cell t...
STD_RETURN_TYPE_e MRC_ValidatePackMeasurement(void)
Function to validate the measurements of pack values (string values, pack values)
Header fileS for handling redundancy between redundant cell voltage and cell temperature measurements...
void SBC_Trigger(SBC_STATE_s *pInstance)
trigger function for the SYS driver state machine.
SBC_STATE_s sbc_stateMcuSupervisor
Header for the driver for the SBC module.
void SOF_Calculation(void)
triggers SOF calculation
Header for SOX module, responsible for current derating calculation.
Headers for the driver for the SPI module.
void SPS_Initialize(void)
Initialize IOs for the SPS driver.
void SPS_Ctrl(void)
Control function for the CONT driver state machine.
Headers for the driver for the smart power switches.
void SE_RunStateEstimations(void)
Main function to perform state estimations.
Header for state-estimation module responsible for the estimation of state-of-charge (SOC),...
struct for FreeRTOS task definition
SYS_RETURN_TYPE_e SYS_SetStateRequest(SYS_STATE_REQUEST_e stateRequest)
sets the current state request of the state variable sys_state.
STD_RETURN_TYPE_e SYS_Trigger(SYS_STATE_s *pSystemState)
tick function, call this to advance the state machine
void SYSM_CheckNotifications(void)
overall system monitoring
void SYSM_UpdateFramData(void)
Commits the stored changes to FRAM if necessary.
initialization function for system monitoring