Manual Ruby Installation


The RubyInstaller does not support installing different versions of Ruby. If there is already some Ruby version installed into C:\Ruby\RubyX.Y.Z.\* this installation must be copied to some temporary folder, and then can be copied back into C:\Ruby\RubyX.Y.Z. after the installation has finished.

  1. Download the Ruby installer version 3.1.3-x64 without the Devkit from Use C:\Ruby\Ruby3.1.3-x64 as installation directory and do not add Ruby to PATH.

    |ruby| installation routine

    Ruby installation routine

  2. Install the required gems for Ceedling:

    Installing required gems for Ceedling
    C:\Users\vulpes\Documents\foxbms-2>cd tools\vendor\ceedling
    C:\Users\vulpes\Documents\foxbms-2>C:\Ruby\Ruby3.1.3-x64\bin\bundle install

    Add --http-proxy=http://user:password@server:port (adapted to your settings) to the shown command if you are behind a proxy.