Sub Module misc
Defines the CAN constants for the project.
Miscellaneous helpers that are related to to CAN (speaking with CAN adapters, reading DBC files etc.)
- fgui.misc.can.can_helpers.adapter_initialize(can_adapter: Optional[str], baud_rate: Optional[int]) <module 'can.interface' from 'C:\\Users\\vulpes\\Miniconda3\\envs\\2023-02-fennec-fox\\lib\\site-packages\\can\\'>
wrapper for CAN adapter initialization. Currently only PCAN USB is supported
- fgui.misc.can.can_helpers.adapter_uninitialize(adapter: can.interface.Bus) None
wrapper for CAN adapter uninitialization.
- fgui.misc.can.can_helpers.dbc_file_to_database(dbc_file) cantools.database.can.database.Database
returns the database representation of a dbc file.
- fgui.misc.can.can_helpers.detect_can_adapters() list[can.interface.Bus]
Detect possible CAN adapters. Currently only PCAN USB is supported
- fgui.misc.can.can_helpers.get_dbc_dialog() Tuple[Optional[cantools.database.can.database.Database], Tuple[pathlib.Path, None]]
Returns a tuple dbc database and the file it has been read from.
- fgui.misc.can.can_helpers.try_to_select_can_adapter(can_adapter: str)
Try to select a specific CAN adapter
Miscellaneous helper functions for the GUI
- fgui.misc.gui_helpers.cb_open_documentation(_, **args)
Shows the foxBMS documentation from local source if it exists, from web if it does not
- fgui.misc.gui_helpers.cb_show_info(_, **args)
Shows the program information
- fgui.misc.gui_helpers.get_icon()
Returns the foxBMS logo as icon
- fgui.misc.gui_helpers.open_documentation()
Shows the foxBMS documentation from local source if it exists, from web if it does not
- fgui.misc.gui_helpers.show_info()
Shows the program information
helper for the info dialog
- class fgui.misc.info_dialog.FoxbmsInfoDialog(*args, **kw)
Dialog box for ‘Info’ message
- static get_file(_file)
Returns the file, if it exists.
- get_license_text()
Get the license text, if this is not possible link to the online documentation of the license
- get_readme_text()
returns the text of the README or a default one.
- init_foxbms_dialog()
Setup the text of the dialog box
Miscellaneous configurations etc. for all parts of the GUI
- class fgui.misc.misc.BatterySystemConfiguration(config_file: pathlib.Path)
Battery System configuration as read from the C sources.
Implements the command line argument the module must understand.
- fgui.misc.program_arguments.chose_baud_rate()
Helper to select the BAUD rate, if a CAN adapter was specified but no BAUD rate.
- fgui.misc.program_arguments.chose_can_adapter()
Helper to select a CAN adapter
- fgui.misc.program_arguments.chose_logging_dir(logging_dir)
Helper to select the logging directory for the CAN messages.
- fgui.misc.program_arguments.validate_argument_combination(can_adapter, baud_rate, logging_dir)
Validates that the combination of provided arguments on the command line is meaningful.